There were Butler representatives waiting for us at the airport and they didn't speak English for even one second. Our arrival to Argentina was completely unceremonious--we waited outside the airport for about an hour until I was told to get in a cab. Then the Butler staffperson handed the cab driver my homestay address and 30 minutes later he dropped me off in front of an apartment building.
The building is on a residential, tree-lined street. The apartment is small, but I think most apartments in the world are small by US standards. It has a lovely balcony that looks over a courtyard between this and six other apartment buildings. My host mom-person (I'm not exactly sure how to refer to her yet) is probably in her 40s, very friendly, and speaks very very quickly. I've only met her middle son, Mariano, who is 23. He shares a bedroom with his older brother. The sister, 22, has her own very messy bedroom.
I also have my own room. It has the narrowest bed I've ever seen...

A note to end on: I've only been here a few hours and I've already been asked about President Obama twice. The cab driver wanted to know how he's doing in Washington, and my host mom-person jumped right in and said that she thinks now there will be some good changes, ojalá. Ojalá, indeed.
1.) I'm glad you made it safely (albeit unceremoniously). :)
2.) That's the narrowest bed you've ever seen?
3.) That bookshelf is awesome, and I hope it holds up.
4.) That view is also awesome, as are you. :)
<3 Wesley
I'm so glad you go there safely! (be prepared, i'm gonna say everything Wes did)
At least you're short enough for bed....
I take back what i said about the article of clothing -- you must bring me back the bookcase.
You should tell them you met Obama and he's full of ice cream, cuddly kittens, and starlight.
I can't wait for more updates!
p.s. take many pictures of hot men.
Hey there. So glad you're blogging and having a great time already! :) I miss you and hope to get to see you at some point this summer when you return. Love ya.
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