I'm getting a little homesick, but I suppose that's to be expected. I've been here three weeks and the novelty's beginning to wear off. My homestay isn't great--I'm actually thinking about moving--and it's been raining, so I haven't been able to wander around the city. Also, classes haven't started yet and I don't do very well without routine.
But enough complaining. I know that I'm lucky to be here, and I know it will get better as I get more settled. I just think that after almost five years of not being in the same place for more than a year I'm ready to stay put for a little while, and study abroad doesn't really help with that.
As always, thanks for the e-mails and the comments. I'll have a more up-beat post soon!
ohh lina bo bina~~
this so reminds me of our 3rd week together, not the easiest! Especially since you're sick, poor girl. It sounds like your attitude is just where it should be, realistic and optimistic. what adventures!! love you muchmuch, darling. emily dipaola and i reuned last weekend at powershift- it was incredible!! breaks my heart it wasn't you, though. we will see eachother in the next year, no excuses.
I completely understand the phase you're in. You don't have to be upbeat! It's okay to be totally blah abroad! And it seems with you it might not last very long, looks like you have some good contacts there.
Your blog is beautiful. Keep posting through the bad times (that's when I abandoned mine, and I regret it).
Much love!!!!!!
I miss swing dancing a lot too. Learning a new dance is a lot of effort and knowing another one just lets me know how far I have to go to get good at it.
I think it can help though, when things aren´t going so well, to write about it. You can start to look at your bad experiences as just interesting things to write about, the more shitty things are the more interesting they are to write about. At least that´s how I try to look at things and god knows I certainly haven´t had it easy the last month.
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