Sunday, March 29, 2009

Americans abroad

I haven't posted in a week, mostly because nothing that interesting has happened. I'm starting to fall into a routine, which is good for me, but boring for the blog.

I did, however, want to share a column written by a fellow H-B student (Susannah Clark) about being an American abroad:

Actually, the highlight of the week was tonight because I invited myself to my friend Michael's apartment and got to cook! Yay! I'm getting kind of sick of living in someone else's home and not getting to cook for myself....

I'll try to do something fun tomorrow so I can write a proper entry.


1 comment:

D-Rod said...

it has been several days...
you said you would post again "tomorrow"
that didn't happen.

as your little brother it is my duty to tell you to post again! we all want to know what you are up to!!!